Looking for a Speech Therapist in Cardiff?

We'll match you with an experienced, private Speech & Language Therapist in Cardiff, based on your child's needs, your budget and your schedule.
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Vetted, HCPC registered Speech Therapists
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No long, painful waiting lists
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Weekend & evening appointments available
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All areas of Cardiff covered
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70% off your initial consultation - just £19.50

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Get Matched with a Speech Therapist in Cardiff

1. Tell Us About Your Situation

Answer a few simple questions about your preferences so that we can understand your current situation and what may be the best solution for you.

2. Book a Consultation Call

Book your initial consultation with a Saltroad therapist on a day and time that suits you, to help us find the perfect Speech Therapist for you.

3. Match with a Therapist

We'll match you with the best Speech and Language Therapists for you to pick from based on their experience, price & availability.

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